ICS to Host Free Webinar about Build Back Better Plan

With the passing of President Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic relief bill, many district and community leaders have begun to wonder about how much federal funding will be allocated for K-12 infrastructure, as well as how this is going to impact your district and communities.

Well wonder no more, because ICS is excited to announce our new Ready, Set, Relief webinar series where we’ll take a closer look at the Biden administration’s Build Back Better economic relief plan! Our goal with this webinar series is to help guide attendees through the necessary steps to secure federal funding for their shovel-ready projects.

These webinars will be FREE to attend and our first one is taking place on Wednesday, March 17th from 11:00am – 12:00pm. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Learn more about the Biden Build Back Better plan
  • Learn more about how to apply for funding
  • Understand the impact this plan will have on K-12 public schools
  • Identify next steps you need to take for your district

We welcome all attendees to bring question they may have about the plan, because we’ve set aside 15 minutes at the end just for Q&A. We can’t wait to see you there!